Product: Hydraulic Tensioning Nut


  • Greater loads within restricted footprints
  • Shortened turnaround times
  • Easy adaptation for retrofitting to studs not extending above nuts



  • Unique Metal-to-Metal Seal Design
  • Tolerant to harsh environments
    • Applications up to 500°F
    • Water charged for special application
  • Multi-bolt Tensioning
    • Simultaneous “Daisy Chaining” provides uniform clamp loads and shorter assembly time.
  • Accommodates confined spaces and envelope restrictions.
  • Inherent Safety
  • Forces act along bolt axis and not thought torque reaction arms.
  • Compact Standard Sizes and Custom Designs
Hydraulic Tensioned Nut Tool - Riverhawk



1. Non-uniform load distribution between casing halves with traditional torqueing methods and multi-jackbolt torque nuts

2. Resulting leak paths and sub-marginal acceptance tests

3. Extended delivery and commissioning times due to numerous adjustments required to achieve clamping uniformity

1. Uniform and repeatable clamping pressure

2. Trouble-free acceptance testing as leak paths are eliminated

3. On-time delivery and start-up

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